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Secure Video Conferencing LiveSwitch Cloud
Hany El Mokadem

Hany El Mokadem

Hany El Mokadem is the director of information technology at Soliya. Recently, as the senior project owner, manager and the scrum master, Hany led the revamping of Soliya’s entire technology stack and migration to a WebRTC videoconferencing system. The project spanned through four countries and three time zones designed to host thousands of students from over 30 countries. Hany has over 14 years of experience in project management, networks, infrastructures and IT security. He is a Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP), Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) and a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH). Hany is currently pursuing his Masters of Science in Information Technology with University of Liverpool. His dissertation is on the implementation of virtual and augmented reality in online learning and trainings.

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